Fluctuating temperatures are a cornerstone of Michigan weather, no matter the season. October has been yet another example of this inconsistent nature — with a few days reaching the mid-80s and others below 40. It’s helpful to keep the fall jackets in the closet for a chilly morning as well as sandals nearby for a hot day.
But these differing temperatures offer you an advantage in the landscape arena — you have a much better chance of getting your project done now rather than in the spring. Have you considered what a landscape contractor could do for you yet this fall? There are a bounty of options available during the ramp up to colder temps before the ground freezes.
Get ready and prep for spring
It might seem like it’s too early, but you can start thinking about spring now, in October and November. In fact, your yard will thank you for it! And once spring arrives, you can give yourself a big pat on the back for being so proactive.
In Michigan, we don’t know when spring will actually show its face. Will March have multiple snowfalls? Maybe spring rain will make April extra soggy and wet. If you prep in the fall so your yard is ready when the weather turns nice, you don’t have to wait till spring to get your landscaping done.
Easily get on the schedule now
Looking for landscape contractors in the fall might seem odd — but think about the off-season for wedding planning or booking a vacation — everyone has that season, right? Contractors have more time in the fall and can work until the ground is frozen.
Another perk is material availability: Materials are ready to go in the fall versus spring. You don’t have to wait for the buds to bloom or certain plants to get to a specific size or height. Landscape and hardscape materials are ready to go for installation and purchase. It’s unlikely you’ll have to wait for something that’s on backorder.
Fall is a time for putting away summer clothing, pulling out winter gear, purging outgrown items and switching over seasonal decor or bedding. Fall sports and school activities are starting to fill up the calendar, which can eat into the time you had planned to finish an outdoor project. While you’re inside your house in the fall, let Greenbud Landscaping do the construction outside.
For more professional advice about your current outdoor projects, contact Greenbud Landscaping today to get a free estimate and sit down to discover what your ideal space could look like. Once spring arrives, you’ll be thrilled you started today!
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